Nanu Nanu
Crazy. Weird. Funny. Anxious. Lover of music, movies, church, the color pink, garlic, crab, feta, M&Ms, comedy, books, ABBA, Queen, Johnny Cash, The Tenors, Counting Crows, K-LOVE, Robin Williams, Tom Cruise, Molly Shannon, and JC – Jesus Christ.
Those are just a few of these many things I like…a lot.

2019-2020: Getting ready for another year of homeschool. Yep, I’m one of those homeschooled kids. You can usually find me in Kroger, church, archery, swimming, indoor rock-climbing, or art classes.
We are finishing up our 3rd year of World History (Mystery of History) and hopefully I’ll be sharing my field trips and recommendations here for your perusal.
Well that was until Coronavirus hit! All my classes outside the house stopped! Everything shut down. But Oh, NO – homeschool continues. People, even Disney shutdown!
All my summer classes & camps are cancelled. We signed up for Netflix in April. You can guess the rest.
2020-2021: Well, starting another year of homeschool. All classes outside my home have either gone virtual/online or have not started back up again. So you can find me at home, Kroger, church, or at the park getting some exercise.
Studying US History, geometry, and biology; along with the other usual stuff this year. Hopefully, I’ll be able to do some cool field trips, but most places are still closed. Looking like a boring house-bound year ahead. Kindof bummed.
Update: Had a couple of surgeries this year. Fell behind with my schoolwork. I’ll update this here website once summer hits. Until then….Name this tune:
“Well, I come from the teacher’s break room with a banjo on my knee. Now listen up, dear students, it’s so elementary. World Class 3, you’ll wanna look for me. ‘Cause if somehow you find me, there is a prize, Oh Yes Siree. You’ll see me at the mall, the pool, the park, and by the sea. And sometimes you’ll find me at the public library. Oh, Class 3, you’ll wanna look for me. ‘Cause if somehow you find me, there’s a prize, Oh Yes Siree.”
2021-2022: Same ‘ol, Same ‘ol. Blah blah blah. Yadda yadda yadda. A little bit of this, a little bit of that. Razz Ma Tazz & Jimmy Jazz.
Yep. Another year older. Doing homeschool again. Nothing’s changed. Doing World History I, Algebra 2, and chemistry along with the same ‘ol stuff. You can find me at the park, church, Kroger, swimming, and indoor rock-climbing.
- Travel to Germany where my grandmother was born.
- Going to Johnny Cash museum in Nashville, TN.

I strongly felt the urge or need to start a blog/website once I decided to become a Christian. My parents finally agreed to my presence on the internet since they could not deny the timing of my request and my reasons behind it. Yes, they have helped me a lot to get this thing up & running, but I’m in charge!
Just wanted to share a few posts from when I started this site & my personal journey with the Lord:
- Washed in the Water
- So Now What: First Steps as a New Christian
- How to Become a Card-Carrying Christian